BUDS Academy
BUDS Academy is a Primary education program for less privileged children, from March 2016. BUDS ACADEMY is providing English medium primary education to less privileged children (Mostly dropouts). With its minimum resources foundation facilitate these kids with rented class rooms, teaching facilities ( 2 teachers), school maid (1), free books, stationary facilities, Uniforms, other necessary things and facilities with the support of community contribution. BUDS Academy, has completed its two successful year and entering the next year. Setu Foundation is continuously making effort to receive support of donors and volunteers for facilitating BUDS Academy to provide more qualitative facilities and creative environment in order to uplift the status of enrolled students.
In addition foundation attempting to improve the financial status of concerning families through skill development and adult education as healthy and illiterate family support needed for upbringing of the child. Know more…
The focus of BUDS ACADEMY’s Early Childhood Education program is holistic development of children and their readiness for school in the age group of 3-5 years with some years to get kids habitual to second social interaction i.e. school environment, basically the whole duration is divided in two main sections i.e. pre-foundation and foundation classes…
Primary Schooling
Apart from regular classroom subject wise academic sessions, some competitive activities are conducted at classroom level and school level. Some of them are essay, speech, slogan writing competitions, Science and Math Quiz and others were also conducted along with Value based education and life skills training.

“Your small contribution by time, money, knowledge & skills, contacts or by any capacity of yours, can make some lives somehow somewhere bit comfortable”.
न धर्मो दयापरः
No better dharma than kindness.